Friday, September 21, 2007

Optimal Route


Who wants to take Friday, October 12th off to do the yarn shop hop? If not the entire day, what about the afternoon? The flyer says that it goes until 6 PM on Friday, but a lot of the shops say they close at 5 PM. We could do lunch or dinner. I kind of want to call this the Fall 2007 Day of Awesome.

I'm excited to see what the shops have for fall. This will require careful planning, though. I must not buy any yarn until the yarn crawl. No purchase is necessary to win the fabulous prizes. Funny! Because I so often walk out of yarn shops without a little something to take the edge off.

edit: Must invite Will.


jen said...

Yeah, I vote for the day off. Even if I have to work four 10's to make up the diff M-Th. (eek)

jumi said...

Could we start our own religion that has a holiday that day in order to pay tribute to the yarn gods?

I'm cool with taking the day off. That map made me LOL when I opened it.

amber said...

I seriously need a day off ASAP.

The map made me giggle, too. I think it is the combination of the route with the way the interstates are laid out around the city. It's like we're in V for Vendetta.